Nature's Lessons Revealed for a Better YOU!

Alicia delivers powerful keynotes that inspire audience members to use nature to overcome burnout and achieve balance.

From Code Three to Forest Green:

Nature's Lessons for First Responders

Burned out first responders? Alicia, a 25-year fire photographer, has witnessed the relentless stress they face. She's also discovered the antidote: nature's transformative power to reset minds, refocus priorities, and recharge well-being. Join Alicia's inspiring journey - captivating wildlife encounters, practical takeaways - and empower your team to find balance amidst the chaos. They'll learn to:

Reset: Defuse stress with nature's calming power

Refocus: Pay attention to what truly matters

Recharge: Reignite purpose for a fulfilling career


Having served as a volunteer fire photographer to Texas' Wylie Fire and Police Departments since 1998, Alicia understands that firefighters, police officers, paramedics and 911 dispatchers face life-threatening challenges every day and can easily burnout. Using nature's lessons, she delivers effective strategies based on science and her own experiences.

Alicia's inspirational keynote also resonates with other industries that experience career burnout. Drawing on her 10 years as a nuclear medicine technologist in a hospital setting, medical and healthcare professionals will walk away with real life tools on finding balance in the chaos using the transformative power of nature.

Engagement Types

I am conformable speaking on the stage as well as virtually. These are the types of engagements I have done and would love to do again. Just ask!

  • Keynote Speaker (Start or End)
  • Conference Speaker
  • Workshop Speaker
  • Break Out Presentations
  • Panelist Expert
  • Podcast Guest
  • TV and Radio Interviews
  • Emcee

Alicia's Other Speaking Presentations

Close Encounters with the Grizzly Bears of Greater Yellowstone

Meet one of the most dangerous beasts in North America - Through sensational imagery and touching stories, Alicia will share the more tender moments of a grizzly. You will fall in love with these gentle giants and be inspired to advocate for their protection.

The Black Bears of Yellowstone:

a Photographic Journey

In this presentation, Alicia takes you on a photographic journey of black bears in Yellowstone. From cute, baby cubs to big, carnivorous eaters, her stunning photos enhances your experience and will make you feel as if you are actually there.

Beyond the Bison: YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK's Amazing Animals

Escape into the wilderness of America's oldest national park, Yellowstone. You'll see some of the unique landscape and meet the animals that call this magical place home. Learn why so many people refer to this place as a little piece of heaven on earth!


Anne Hiney, Photographer

"I thoroughly enjoyed Alicia’s presentation about visiting Yellowstone National Park to view and photograph the amazing grizzly bears. Her candid, heartfelt, knowledgeable, firsthand experiences made the information she shared both interesting and exciting. I appreciate her including mapping and travel details as well. I especially enjoyed her beautiful photos that she shared of several grizzlies as well as several other wild creatures. I look forward to joining her for future presentations!"

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